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Selmer Mark VI Soprano Saxophone 81xxx Original Lacquer

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    This is a rare Selmer Mark VI soprano saxophone from 1959, SN# 81xxx. It’s hard to beat this horn for Mark VI soprano tone. I really like how this horn sounds, with a warm, rich tone. The engraving is beautiful as well, with a flower featured on the bell below the serial stamp, surrounded by some sweeping leafy patterns. This is one of only a small number of early VI-era sopranos sold in the London area, and it plays and feels like an American-market VI for whatever reason. This horn is original lacquer, and it has a cool look to it from the way the lacquer has aged a dark almost greenish gold color.


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      This is a rare Selmer Mark VI soprano saxophone from 1959, SN# 81xxx. It’s hard to beat this horn for Mark VI soprano tone. I really like how this horn sounds, with a warm, rich tone. The engraving is beautiful as well, with a flower featured on the bell below the serial stamp, surrounded by some sweeping leafy patterns. This is one of only a small number of early VI-era sopranos sold in the London area, and it plays and feels like an American-market VI for whatever reason. This horn is original lacquer, and it has a cool look to it from the way the lacquer has aged a dark almost greenish gold color. You can see that it has had a bit of creasing on the bell flare area from a soprano saxophone stand, and it has a strap hook and epoxy built up key touches done by Emilio Lyons, which are also removable if you want the horn without them. It also has an older Emilio overhaul on it, and it still plays surprisingly well on the old pads. This comes with a new BAM Trekking soprano case, included in the price, which is the best soprano sax case made today. The original case is also present, but it is not suitable for shipping . Get this horn while it lasts. It’s the first 81k VI soprano that I have seen, and it is a great player.


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