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Selmer Mark VI Alto from 1967 Beautiful Original Condition

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    I think that the VI altos between 136500-149xxx are probably the creme de la creme of Mark VI altos, all things considered. 136500 is when the “long bow” ended and the “medium bow” length began for Selmer. Basically, they finally got the bell key intonation to work well at this point. This is one of the nicest altos in this “sweet spot” that I have seen. It’s original lacquer, in very good condition, with no resolders, no dents or dings, original case, original neck is in great shape and not pulled down or dented. Basically, it’s about as close as you can get to going back to 1967 and buying a really nice new Mark VI.


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      I think that the VI altos between 136500-149xxx are probably the creme de la creme of Mark VI altos, all things considered. 136500 is when the “long bow” ended and the “medium bow” length began for Selmer. Basically, they finally got the bell key intonation to work well at this point. (They had been experimenting with bow lengths on select altos in ’57-59 as well.)

      These horns still have the richer, warmer tone of early 60’s VI altos (my favorite altos for tone are in the ones from late 60k serial up through 119k serial), but they have a big, projecting power that some earlier VI’s lack. More even scale as well.

      This is one of the nicest altos in this “sweet spot” that I have seen. It’s original lacquer, in very good condition, with no resolders, no dents or dings, original case, original neck is in great shape and not pulled down or dented. It had a couple of very small dings removed, and that’s about it. It plays quite well on mostly original pads right now. Nobody has messed with this horn!

      The price reflects what you get – an outstanding example of the best vintage of Selmer Mark VI alto in excellent condition.

      Only one available. Get it before it’s gone.

      Additional information

      Weight 20 lbs
      Dimensions 32 × 18 × 12 in


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