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Selmer Balanced Action Tenor Saxophone 29xxx

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    This is a very nice, clean relacquered Balanced Action in the best serial range for these tenors 29xxx. It is a clean relacquer because there was not much buffing done, and the engraving is still very much like it was originally. The keywork is in good condition, and this horn plays very well with almost all new pads. It has a bigger sound than a VI, and it’s also darker and more smoky than a VI. I play a 29xxx myself, and this horn plays a lot like mine, which is saying a lot.


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      This is a very nice, clean relacquered Balanced Action in the best serial range for these tenors 29xxx. It is a clean relacquer because there was not much buffing done, and the engraving is still very much like it was originally. The keywork is in good condition, and this horn plays very well with almost all new pads. It has a bigger sound than a VI, and it’s also darker and more smoky than a VI. I play a 29xxx myself, and this horn plays a lot like mine, which is saying a lot. The neck looks good and is not pulled down. The low B tone hole has had some work done to it in the past, and is sealing well. Like most relacquered horns, if you want it to be good as new, you would want to invest in more mechanical fine-tuning to make the keywork perfect, but since the horn already plays well and has new pads, you could easily play it for many years and then have it mechanically overhauled to get it perfect. This is a “conservatory” model, which means that it has a high E trill key, a G# trill key, and a couple of other small differences in keywork. If you like to do a lot of trills, the extras might be a big bonus for you. Otherwise, they’re just extra. It ships in a Selmer SaxPak case, or I can swap that out for a Hiscox for a little extra. This is a solid horn for the money, and should make someone very happy.


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