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Martin Harmony Curved Soprano 155xxx

$ 0

This is a very big and warm playing curved soprano made by Martin (stenciled Harmony). As far as the details of condition go, this horn is factory unlacquered bare brass, keyed to high Eb, and has had a dent removed from the bottom bow. These Martin curved sopranos are rare and desirable, both for their collectibility to people who like to have unusual saxophones around, and for people looking for a big, warm, full-sounding curved soprano tone.

We pay the best prices for great saxophones.



This is a very big and warm playing curved soprano made by Martin (stenciled Harmony). As far as the details of condition go, this horn is factory unlacquered bare brass, keyed to high Eb, and has had a dent removed from the bottom bow. That work was done well, and the bow now looks good. Besides that the horn is pretty clean with nothing much to mention. The pads are old, and pretty leaky, and this horn is sold as-is, not in top playing condition, so definitely plan on either a repad or having several pads replaced. The price is low for one of these, to leave you room to get some work done by your tech of choice. Martins are built like tanks, and unlacquered horns are easy to work on, so getting this done should be no trouble, and you should end up with something solid and satisfying to play.

These Martin curved sopranos are rare and desirable, both for their collectibility to people who like to have unusual saxophones around, and for people looking for a big, warm, full-sounding curved soprano tone. This soprano plays well enough now for me to say that it definitely will be a great-sounding horn when repadded. The tone is lush, spread, and silky smooth, unlike any soprano made today. The keywork is vintage, but not bad, and the intonation is flexible but fine if you have a decent ear and use a larger chamber mouthpiece. This horn comes with the original case in good condition. Buy it now and get this old bird singing again!

We pay the best prices for great saxophones.


Additional information

Weight 14 lbs
Dimensions 32 × 12 × 12 in


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