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King SilverSonic Super 20 Tenor 411xxx Cleveland

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    Everyone wants a King SilverSonic. This one was made in Cleveland in 1965. It has a solid silver neck and a solid silver bell. This horn is priced much lower than one normally sees SilverSonic tenors selling for, because the bell looks relacquered to me. The lacquer actually looks like the right color and style, so it was probably done by King. The engraving looks great – nice and sharp, much like an original lacquer horn.

    This is a good deal, and this horn should make someone really happy. There’s only one available. Get it now before it’s gone!

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      Everyone wants a King SilverSonic. This one was made in Cleveland in 1965. It has a solid silver neck and a solid silver bell. This horn is priced much lower than one normally sees SilverSonic tenors selling for, because the bell looks relacquered to me. The lacquer actually looks like the right color and style, so it was probably done by King. The engraving looks great – nice and sharp, much like an original lacquer horn. I bought this from another dealer who thought it was original, but I think at least the bell has been redone – maybe to shine up the silver again at some point after it had started to tarnish a little bit.

      This horn came out of a collection of saxophones that I had the opportunity to buy. It has not been played in decades, so definitely plan on replacing at least some pads. If you want this to be done pre-sale through me, just let me know, and we can discuss options. Or you can get it cheaply with older pads and have your own favorite saxophone tech do everything to your specifications.

      . SilverSonic tenors are just great for a number of reasons. They have the ability to project and cut through a section or through an entire band like no other tenor ever made. They manage to project while still sounding warm and full. And at medium volumes, they have a medium-bright, complex, jazz/rock-leaning tone that is a joy to hear, and that is different from anything made today. The keywork is easy to handle if you’re used to modern tenors also. It is very much like a Selmer or Yamaha in this version of the Super 20.

      This is a good deal, and this horn should make someone really happy. There’s only one available. Get it now before it’s gone!

      Additional information

      Weight 28 lbs
      Dimensions 36 × 16 × 16 in


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