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Buffet SA-18 Dynaction Soprano Saxophone Silver Rare

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    This is the only SA-18 soprano that I have seen come up for sale in the last several years. I’m sure there are others out there, but there can’t be many. Selmer sopranos are rare from the 40’s and 50’s, and Buffet made only 1/10 as many saxophones as Selmer, so this is probably 10x rarer than a 5 digit Mark VI soprano. The tone on these Dynaction/SA18 horns is really interesting. This is a more modern soprano design than any other horn that was made at the time. While Selmer didn’t really update its soprano design in the Mark VI era, Buffet did. So you get more modern keywork, good intonation, and a BIG SOUND. These horns play really big – also dark and complex with a compact, French core. Whoever gets this horn should be really happy with it!


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      This is the only SA-18 soprano that I have seen come up for sale in the last several years. I’m sure there are others out there, but there can’t be many. Selmer sopranos are rare from the 40’s and 50’s, and Buffet made only 1/10 as many saxophones as Selmer, so this is probably 10x rarer than a 5 digit Mark VI soprano. This horn has some past dent work on the neck area, as well as some wear around the rim of the bell flare and a missing lyre holder. The pads are older and need to be replaced. I will probably get this overhauled and keep it if it doesn’t sell soon.

      The tone on these Dynaction/SA18 horns is really interesting. This is a more modern soprano design than any other horn that was made at the time. While Selmer didn’t really update its soprano design in the Mark VI era, Buffet did. So you get more modern keywork, good intonation, and a BIG SOUND. These horns play really big – also dark and complex with a compact, French core. More smoky than a modern soprano by far, and lots of fun to listen to. This horn will be excellent with a repad, and the silver will look almost new again. Whoever gets this horn should be really happy with it!


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