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Buescher True-Tone Curved Soprano 94xxx

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    Here’s a good deal on a Buescher True Tone curved soprano. This is a fun vintage curvy because it has good intonation and good build quality – much better than many modern curved sopranos. It is keyed to high Eb, and plays somewhat as-is. If you got it polished and replaced some pads, you would have a really nice soprano for a very good price.


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      Here’s a good deal on a Buescher True Tone curved soprano. This is a fun vintage curvy because it has good intonation and good build quality – much better than many modern curved sopranos. It is keyed to high Eb, and plays somewhat as-is. If you got it polished and replaced some pads, you would have a really nice soprano for a very good price

      This horn is very clean structurally and mechanically. It has no dents or dings, and no past repairs. The original silver plate is almost all intact. It comes with the original case in good condition as well. This horn has a warmer and fuller tone than you would typically achieve on a modern soprano. The True Tone is the most desirable player’s vintage curved soprano, mainly because of its good tone and intonation. All in all, this should make a good horn for somebody, and it should also be really beautiful when polished up.


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